Flexible Seating for Middle School Readers

$1,086.00 raised
GOAL: $1,086.00
100.0% funded

Project Leader: Anna Hager Loome

Middle school English and Language Arts students spend a significant amount of class time reading, including both teacher-chosen and student-chosen books. Reading proficiency, as well as the background knowledge students accumulate by reading, are vital to students’ success in high school and beyond. I know I am doing something right as a teacher when my students walk into class and ask me, “Can we read today?”

Bungee Chair Big Joe Beanbag Floor Cushion

Reading in a traditional classroom desk or on a hard floor quickly becomes uncomfortable for students, as it would for most adults. Allowing students access to a variety of seating choices during reading time helps them look forward to reading tasks and engage fully in the task. Choice seating is a well-documented and successful strategy for promoting reading in middle school classrooms. Choice seating will be a privilege in the classroom that comes with certain responsibilities, including productive behavior, compliance with directions, and appropriate use of materials and seating.

Support the creation of a Reading Lounge and the life-long gift of reading with the purchase of a total of 18 bungee chairs, bean bag chairs, and cushions for the English/Language Arts classroom at Stearns Middle School in Millinocket.

Project Budget: $1,085.86




Bungee Chair


$ 190.33

Big Joe Beanbag


$ 495.00

Floor cushion


$ 343.92

Estimated Tax


